As you all know, I'm in training for my 2nd half marathon which will take place in June in Plattsburgh, NY. Last week, according to my Galloway training plan, I was to do a 8 miles run. So, Saturday morning, I dressed up, laced up and went for my run.
At mile 4, I started to be hot because I over dressed for the weather. At mile 5, I took a gel thinking it would help me finish, instead, it made me feel sluggish and I had a hard time finishing my run.
Once I was done, I was quite happy to notice that I wasn't as sore as I was last summer while training for Dumbo Double Dare. I immediately wore my compression sleeves and was able to go shopping in the afternoon... I was very proud of myself. Sunday was another story... I woke up with my lower right calf sore so I went to get my Stick and roll it out. It hurt like hell but kept at it until I felt the muscle loosen...
I didn't run on Monday, I was still sore. Yesterday a short 30 min run was scheduled. As my calf was still stiff I decided to try to wear compression calf sleeves yet again. It was the wrong choice, my legs felt like lead and I couldn't get the right running feeling. So I stopped, took my shoes off and pulled the calf sleeves off! I'm not fast by any means but on a short run of 3km I usually pace at 9min per KM, but yesterday I couldn't even get past 9:30min per KM.... So yeah, it was a crappy run...
So here's the morale of the story, there is not such thing as a bad run, or better yet : bad runs exist for a reason, they help you appreciate the good runs!
Until a good run, faith trust and pixie dust
Sandra xoxo
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